Sunday, February 3, 2008

alcohol wisdom

alcohol wisdom

Thursday, May 10, 2007

1. You can drink, you can drive, but not both. Ever.

2. Blackouts aren't healthy.

Blackouts are a sign that you can't control you're intake or don't have the inclination. I had to be told that after serious life issues by an alcohol counselor. I wasn't informed growing up because my parents hated alcohol and it wasn't discussed adequately. Most of the Mormons I served in the Army with had to learn this lesson the hard way as well.

3A. The things we do and say while we're drunk are a part of who we are, a part of our character.
If you can only say something to someone while you're drunk perhaps thats the time to say it if you absolutely must. Don't expect good results. Actions while drunk however are a mistake. Drunk actions are disasters waiting to happen.

3B. Alcohol isn't an excuse, it's only an explanation at best.

There are consequences for what we do whether drunk or not. One has to live with the results afterwards, whether that's a pregnancy, killing a family from drunk driving, a broken relationship or just a really nasty hangover.

I seriously doubt that anyone without much experience will take this advice seriously or follow it. Besides there are a lot of necessary mistakes we must make, a perfect life(whatever that means) would be really boring.

Those who have already made mistakes will probably find this advice basic and laughably simple.

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